Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Clay project

The three projects assigned by the clay group where an animal, texture, and whatever you wanted. I made a cat face, a triangle with different textures by using all the clay tools in the class, and I also made dice. I really liked working with clay because it was  cool just to play around with it and to make different shapes and see what comes up of it. A lot of the time I wouldn't know what to make so I just tried making different shapes with the clay and it turned out great. My favorite object I made was the dice because it looked real and it was fun to make. I liked making the cube and then the wholes on each side. The cat was fun to make because it came out really cute and I liked playing around with it, by making it's ears and eyes and nose. One mistake I made was not going on the pottery wheel. I would of liked to go on it and make a bowl if I had more time. I think it would of been really fun and I would have been interested to see how it turned out. I really liked working with clay, I thought it was a fun experiment.

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