Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cranes for Japan

Watching the videos of the Tsunami in Japan and looking at photos was devastating. Some of the things that stayed with me was watching the water rush onto the land and destroy everything. It was very sad seeing the little kids getting checked for radiation. The photo that made the most impact on me was a mother talking to a policeman searching for her family, she looked so sad. My three wishes for Japan are for families to find each other and reunite, for other people in the world to help them in any way possible, and for the people in Japan to be happy again and have peace in their world.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Getting Back to Materials

In today's class I decided to use red masking tape for my self portrait. I wanted to see if I was able to form different shapes with this stiff object. It was hard to cut the tape and put it into the exact shapes I wanted. I started off playing with it and seeing how I can transorm this one object into different shapes and sizes. The eyes were hard to create because it took me a while to decide how I wanted to make them.  I was very surprised how I transformed a role of tape into a portrait of myself. I think it turned out really good.